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Brooke Medicine Eagle is a legendary indigenous Earthkeeper, wisdom teacher, women's mysteries carrier, healing and shamanic practitioner, visionary, singer/songwriter, ceremonialist, sacred ecologist and catalyst for wholeness. She is the author of the American literary classic, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, and of The Last Ghost Dance. Her music recordings, teachings, writings, and wilderness spiritual retreats have touched the hearts and minds of people world-wide. Brooke is an elder sister and wisdom guide, offering a lifetime of ancient & modern wisdom for your spirit, wellness, thriving & prospering.

Brooke’s current calling is to offer you her amazing knowledge and wisdom regarding Wholeness & Holiness ~ honing in on the foundational level of bodily wellness and aliveness in a time when our health and vitality is supremely challenged by so many levels of assault from the world around us. Feeling good gives you a big leap up into embodying spirit in your daily life.
She also loves creating ceremony for Earth and All Our Relations ~ putting into practice all the good and powerful things we have been learning. With humans so out of balance with the rest of Life, our indigenous elders say we only have 20 years before we human will join the 6th Great Extinction.
It is time for us to awaken our crystalline body and
make a positive difference !!
Another continuing focus is health and empowerment for women. Decades ago, she brought forward ancient, indigenous traditional ways of moontime and women’s mysteries; and continues to feel strongly about the importance of menstrual practice for women’s health, spirit, leadership and service to the world. Her work with White Buffalo Woman gives foundation to the power and magic of the Feminine.
All people benefit from what she shares: prophecy, ancient wisdom / modern science, health & vital longevity, dealing with trauma, relationships, plant medicine and more. Her offerings on the ancient shamanic brain are remarkably empowering and supportive of your well-being.
She will continue to travel internationally to support the birthing of a new human paradigm of peace, harmony, and sustainable living for the flowering of individuals, Mother Earth and All Our Relations. She is enjoying the experience of being a Gaian citizen.
Brooke Medicine Eagle
Drum and Teaching Circle
We invite you to gather together in a Circle,
to learn and move around the great Wheel of Life!
What is the day, time, and location of the Circle?
On Saturday, June 7, 2025
At 18:30 - 21:00 (6:30 pm - 9:00 pm) Central European Time
In Zagreb, Croatia

What to expect?
Brooke will share indigenous ways of working with dance and drum to enhance your life and the life of All Your Relations.
Brooke will share a prophecy, ancient wisdom as it relates to our present time and the awakening future.
Indigenous cultures have long had knowledge of the time in which we are now living and have offered power-filled guidance for moving into a golden time in the highest and most graceful way.
She will lead you to sing and move in simple and powerful dance to actively honor all levels of radiant Life.
We will drum together, and Brooke will assist you in naming and dedicating your drum.
We will conclude with a circle dance focused on honoring All Our Relations.​
How to Prepare and What to Bring?
Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Give yourself time to arrive, not to be stressed arriving in the last minute.
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to be able to move around.
Please do not worry if for any reason you cannot move much, everyone is always welcome!!!
Suggestions on what to Bring:
Your Drum and any other ceremonial items.
Change of shoes to keep the space clean.​
Change of clothes not to go home in damp clothes.
Maybe a small towel.
Plenty of fluids to hydrate.
Yourself, exactly as you are in that moment!
Guidance will be in English with consecutive translation to Croatian language.
For questions, comments or suggestions please email us at
For PRICING AND REGISTRATION, please see below.
Brooke Medicine Eagle
Weekend of Transformation and Manifestation, and awakening the Feminine!
​Brooke will offer this workshop as part of the Medicine of Interconnectedness gathering on island Cres, Croatia. This is the short schedule:
Tuesday, June 10, 2025
17:00 Opening circle with the Fire ceremony, drumming and the Community Pipe Ceremony​
Wednesday, June 11, 2025
10:00 Medicine of Interconnectedness Day 1
Brooke Medicine Eagle Awakening the Feminine
Evening, the Moon Sacred Stone Peoples Lodge (Sweat Lodge) Ceremony​
Thursday, June 12, 2025
10:00 Medicine of Interconnectedness Day 2
Brooke Medicine Eagle Awakening the Feminine Day 2​
Friday, June 13, 2025
10:00 Medicine of Interconnectedness Day 3​
Saturday, June 14, 2025
10:00 Medicine of Interconnectedness Day 4
Sunday, June 15, 2025
10:00 Closing Circle Ceremonies​
What to expect?
We are in the time of the Arising Feminine, yet what does that mean for us personally? Since we were all raised and programmed in the last, heavy, oppressive days of the Patriarchy, we were not given the women’s mystery teachings that would have naturally come to us in times when the women were held sacred and the feminine was known for its magic and power.
This Feminine wisdom now returning to us is vital to our own health, well being and empowerment, as well as for manifesting the solutions and potentials necessary for our human family to continue on this Earth. Wise elders now tell us that this is the generation that will make the difference: either we will begin to live sustainably in harmony and peace, or the human race will become extinct by its own hand.
The birthing, nurturing and renewing power of the Feminine will make the profound difference needed. This power is centered in the twin infinity of the heart / womb connection, which you will learn begin to feel and use for your awakening and for service to All Our Relations.
You will learn about:
~ Great Mother Source
~ White Buffalo Woman’s teachings
~ the power of the Heart
~ the magic of the Womb
~ the infinite mystery of the Heart / Womb connection
~ the manifestation potential within you, for yourself and the world.
Come join Brooke and a circle of wonderful women for this transformative gathering!
Guidance will be in English with consecutive translation to Croatian language.
For questions, comments or suggestions please email us at
For PRICING AND REGISTRATION, please see below.
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