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We would like to welcome you by offering a Thanksgiving.

Thank you, Creation, Earth Mother - our Pachamama, Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, Star Nations, Guardians and Keepers of the Directions and Sacred Worlds, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, all the lineages, especially the lineages of Munay-ki, our animal family, plant family, stone people family and our human family, all the elements, and luminous ones for your love, guidance, and support!

Thank you to all the Earthkeepers of the world,

for keeping this amazing medicine and for sharing it for the healing of all.

Thank you, Haudenosaunee wisdom keepers for teaching us to live life of gratitude and

to start every endevour with Giving Thanks!

Thank you, Marko Pogačnik and Adrian Predrag Kezele for your amazing work and for giving us the insights into the richness of the invisible world and the ways of connecting and healing ourselves, others, and our beautiful world. 

Thank you, Barbara Ann Brennan and the amazing team from the Barbara Ann Brennan School of Healing for your clear and healing insights and teachings on energy and energy healing. 

Thank you, Grandmother Wind Daughter, Grandpas Bear Hear and Sun Bear, and all the Earth Peoples for your wisdom medicine of connection to Mother Earth and for your teachings that change lives and bring peace!

Dear Brooke Medicine Eagle, thank you for your teachings, your wisdom and your uplifting gift of song! 

And thank you Eli Thomas for your art, for your wisdom and your teachings, and most of all for your heart!

Thank you Matias de Stefano, for your wisdom and for helping us find the Universe Within.

Thank you to the Laika, Marcela Lobos, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, and a loving team of teachers from the Four Winds Society for bringing this medicine to us, for teaching us, and for supporting us in so many ways!

Thank you, Gretchen Avery, Aveana Deerheart, and all the Reiki Masters and lineages for bringing this medicine to us, for our own healing and the healing of others. 

Thank you, dear Joanne Shenandoah for your beautiful music and lyrics that inspire and are a true storytelling.

Thank you to all of you who have heard the call of Spirit and the lineages,

for your courage to say yes to their call!

Today's Thanksgiving

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