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Testimonial from Tea T.




I would like to start by saying thank you to all my teachers who shared their teachings with me and prepared me to offer my services to all. To read about them please visit the Giving Thanks page.

Journey Around the Wheel are apprenticeships in SHAMANIC ENERGY MEDICINE.
They are called apprenticeships, because they offer time and space for participants to truly immerse themselves into the practices and teachings of each direction of the Medicine Wheel. ​

What is a Medicine Wheel?
The Medicine Wheel is a circle of stones that represents the circular nature of the cycles of the universe, of our Earth Mother, and the cycles in our own lives and our lifetimes. It also represents the Oneness, unity of everything.
What is the Teaching (Medicine) of the Wheel?
The “Medicine” of the Medicine Wheel is Oneness. Indigenous peoples see no difference between people and the world. For them, everything on Earth is Sacred and has Spirit. They feel and live their lives in that inseparable interconnectedness with nature and therefore refer to all forms in nature as their relatives, stone people, plant people, animal people, and people people.
The Medicine of this interconnectedness is the foundation of the Medicine Wheel.
Medicine Wheels are empowering vortexes of energy that spirals through the stones. Through that spiral, we are invited to connect to the wisdom of the Universe above us, Earth Mother below us, and all her children, stone, plant, and animal families in each of the cardinal directions, including the direction within.

Each stone in the Wheel is connected to a stone, plant, and animal relative, and their qualities. Through the wisdom of these archetypes, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Each direction offers us tools and practices for healing of our physical body, our mind and emotions, our Soul, and our energy field.
By journeying around the Wheel, we heal our physical body, our mind and emotions, our Soul, and our energy field. We release and remove the defenses that were built over lifetimes and remember who we are in our true essence that is always in unity, in Oneness.

The Journey starts by building the Medicine Wheel and inviting the Guardians and Keepers of the Directions to join us in this journey and cocreate health, beauty, and ayni!


Each Direction of the Medicine Wheel offers wisdom and teachings (medicine) that help us in

self-discovery, personal healing, and growth. The wisdom of the Directions also invites us to practice our new skills through building a shamans altar (Mesa) with which we are called and empowered to bring this wisdom to others.

What is the Wisdom and the Medicine of Each Direction?

With the wisdom of the SOUTH, we discover our core wounds and stories built around them. We understand that it is the wounded parts of ourselves that hold on to those stories that over time become our core beliefs about ourselves and about the world. With the helpers of the South direction, we learn practices that help us support those parts of ourselves to release the old stories. We change our core beliefs by reprogramming our brain into a new, healthy story. And we clear our energy field from the imprints of the old stories and install new, healthy and light stories into our field.


In the WEST, we discover that parts of ourselves are hidden in our subconscious mind, the shadow from our conscious mind. They are often hidden because we are ashamed or afraid of them or not even aware of them. We understand that these parts of our Soul might be part of the collective shadow of humanity or the shadow of our ancestors that keep us locked in pain and suffering. We learn practices that help us notice and separate from the collective shadow. We heal our ancestral shadows, for ourselves, for our ancestors, and for our children and ourchildrens children. And we clear intrusive energies that feed us old, painful information from our energy field.


In the NORTH, we understand that all the wisdom of the Universe is available to us, we just have to listen. We understand that for listening we need to be still, especially our mind. We understand that we are the creators of our reality, and therefore we choose who we want to be at each moment. We learn how to choose beauty in all our relationships, including relationship with ourselves. We learn the tools that bring us into stillness, including journeying into our subconscious to retrieve parts of ourselves that separated from our Soul in moments of trauma. Reuniting with these parts of ourselves brings us into wholeness and peace of our Soul.


In the EAST, we master understanding that our reality is our own creation and that everyone in our reality is simply a projection of our own wounds and stories. No one can do anything to us, take anything from us, or affect us in any way, because we know that everything that activates us is simply an opportunity to discover what we can heal within us. We learn the Great Death Rites and how to help everyonetransition in peace. We learn the practices of retrieving our highest destiny, of freeing ourselves of all attachments, and consciously creating our own reality and who we wish to be in the NOW.


The wisdom of the Wheel helps us understand our beliefs, our emotions, and our actions.

When we understand, we can choose what we think, and how we feel and act in each moment!

Your Journey will also be supported by the gifts of the Munay-Ki Rites, the body of wisdom that Dr. Alberto Villoldo received from his mentors from Peru, that he modified and adapted to modern way of learning and healing.

​The teachings and practices in this journey are an integrated body of wisdom that I received from Slavic, North American and South American medicine people, from Spirit, Pachamama, Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the lineages, elements, and all other forces,
and from my training as a veterinarian and an energy medicine practitioner.

There are 2 Journey Around the Wheel Apprenticeships:

Testimonial from Barbara L.

The Journey Around the Wheel with Korana and the Earthkeepers Spirit, found me at exactly the right moment. I had already been walking the path of energy medicine, but something inside me knew there was more, a deeper wisdom waiting to be explored. I longed to truly embody the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, not just to understand its roots and rituals, but to live them. Journey Around the Wheel was so much more than just learning; it was about experiencing, transforming, and remembering who I truly am. It led me deep into my inner world, uncovering layers of myself I hadn’t even realized were there. The more I discovered within, the more I understood my connection to the world around me.
The Medicine Wheel, with its deep wisdom and loving guidance, became a map for my life, showing me how to move through life and challenges with clarity, presence, a sense of belonging and wholeness.

From the very beginning, I felt held by Korana, by the beautiful community walking this path with me, and by the sacred space we shared. There was an unshakable sense of support, both seen and unseen, a quiet knowing that I was never alone. The free gatherings, ceremonies, and teachings provided by Earthkeepers Spirit were like gentle reminders, always appearing exactly when I needed them. Every step of the way, there was guidance, encouragement, and the deep comfort of knowing we were all walking this path together.
One of the greatest gifts of this journey has been its continuous unfolding. Growth does not stop when the formal path concludes. I feel it shaping me still, deepening my connection to myself, expanding my awareness, and bringing me peace that radiates into every part of my life in ways I never expected.
If you feel called to this path, trust that call. There is a reason this journey has found you. You are ready, and you are supported. Walking this path will open doors you never even knew existed, doors to healing, wisdom, and a deeper truth within yourself. If you allow it, this journey will change you in ways beyond what you can imagine.
With love and gratitude,
Barbara L.


Uncovering the Oneness Within

Journey Around the Wheel (JAW🥰) Uncovering the Oneness Within

is an apprenticeship focused on your self-discovery, personal healing and growth, and it also invites you to practice the skills you will be acquiring, so that, if you feel called to, you can offer this wisdom to others.

What to expect?

  • Weekly live calls

    • We will meet live on Zoom, either on Thursdays at 12 pm ET or 18:00 CET.

    • This will be the time for:

      • Asking questions and deepers explanations.

      • Sharing comments and suggestions.

      • Practicing and experiencing tools for healing.

      • Supporting each other.

  • Recourses

    • To ensure ACCESSIBILITY as much as possible, all the resources are either in video or audio form, and also in written form, either as slides or handouts. Please let me know on if there is any other way we can accommodate your learning needs!.

    • Prerecorded videos, handouts and live call recordings and notes.

      • Prerecorded videos and handouts will be available as preparation for live calls and .

      • Live call recordings and notes will be available to rewatch or watched if you missed the live call.

      • All teaching materials will be available on the website until 6 months after the end of training.

  • Additional ways to connect and practice

    • We will provide:

      • Group chat, free weekly community gatherings, monthly fire ceremonies, other community events, and individual practice time with Korana.

    • You will be able to arrange individual practice time with each other.


Time Committment

  • Each week, between 5 and 7 recordings with slides will be assigned for viewing for the live call.

  • Weekly live calls will be 2 and a half hours long and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the material.

    • Live calls are aimed for you to have time to practice either with the group or in smaller groups or pairs in breakout rooms.

  • Recommended practice time outside of live calls will be at your own pace. We strongly recommend performing 10 illuminations, extractions, Soul Retrievals and Destiny Retrievals on your colleagues to acquire experience to work with yourself and others.

  • Creating time for daily tools for personal healing is also recommended to:

    • CoCreate Sacred space in you and around you.​

    • Grow your relationship with your tools and with all the helpers.

    • Assist with your own healing and growth.

  • You will receive recommendation for Readings and Recordings aside from the class materials. Consider setting aside time to explore these resources, too.

  • We also offer free community time for practicing, connecting to ayllu, and for additional learning.

  • To best meet the learning objectives, we recommend setting aside minimum of 10 - 12 hours per week.

Taking Munay-Ki Finding Beauty would be beneficial!

So, this will be our journey. Discovering, clearing, and shedding all that we do not need any more, and restoring the unity of our Soul and of our connection with Oneness.

It is about living life with a good heart, good mind, and good actions!

Tuku Llankay Niyok, Tuku Munay Niyok, Tuku Yachay Niyok


You will be supported by Korana Stipetić, member of the Earthkeepers Spirit Team.

To find out more about Korana and the Team, please visit MEET THE TEAM page.


All materials and live calls are in English language with the Croatian translation as needed.

We are working on translating the website and the materials to Croatian language.


If you feel that you would like to get a free CONSULTATION please email us at 


If you are ready to join us on this journey,



The working language is English with support in Croatian.


I am looking forward to our journey together!

With much love,


Testimonial from Beate K.

Medicine of the Wheel has found me through my Heart. It started with joining the Munay-Ki teachings with Earthkeepers Spirit. My first encounter with Munay Ki touched my heart deeply and I knew I had to find out more about it. These shamanic tools are so simple, so deeply connected with nature, Pachamama, our Mother Earth, with all beings. It leads US to good, precious Life. Then, I got curious about the next step, to go on the journey INSIDE myself, the journey of my Soul. I found it with the Journey Around the Wheel. The Community, this Special circle, gave me safety. It is really a hard work and takes a lot of time, but I discovered so much INSIDE myself. We have so many tools to work with and the circle and Korana were always available. I think this learning together and the exchange accelerates development of our Soul. For me it was a Heart Opener - getting compassion, peace, for Others and myself. I felt really guided, supported and loved throughout the Journey, from Korana and the Community. There are incredible many resources, events, gatherings, ceremonies, slides, recordings, teachings, many ways to communicate and connect.
My message to everyon is to be compassionate, take this step, this journey is essential.

Thank you, Korana, and the ayllu!
Beate K.

Journey Around the Wheel
Uncovering the Oneness Within

JAW 2024 Schedule.jpg

Testimonial from Sabine A.

I am infinitely grateful to you Korana for the intensive journey around the Wheel. It was a great treasure for me. Many wounds, stories, roles .... became visible and many transforming tools, so diverse and effective, helped me heal them. Sooo magical...and your energy sooo beautiful I have no words for it. All this has triggered a great transformation. Very intense. My Khuyas are so beautiful and happy.
Yes, they are ready ..... to be in service. 

Sabine A.


Stepping Into Service

Stepping into Service Apprenticeship is envisioned as "Train the trainer" format learning. It is open to all who have already taken a Journey Around the Wheel Uncovering the Oneness Within Apprenticeship or other similar trainings. You will have an opportunity to attend all live calls with the ayllu attending the Uncovering the Oneness Within Apprenticeship, and you will have access to all the materials from that course. You will also receive additional materials and training focused on further developing your skills as a Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner.


  • Weekly live calls with the Uncovering the Oneness Withing ayllu

  • Weekly case discussions through WhatsApp group chat or during other Community Gatherings or individual meetings

  • Once per month live call for ayllu taking the Stepping into Service Apprenticeship

  • Access to ayllu and Korana for support and sharing.


  • You will have access to all the materials from both apprenticeships for the duration of training and 1 year after the end of training.


  • 11 months 


You will be supported by Korana Stipetić, member of the Earthkeepers Spirit Team.

To find out more about Korana and the Team, please visit MEET THE TEAM page.


All materials and live calls are in English language with the Croatian translation as needed.

We are working on translating the website and the materials to Croatian language.

If you feel that you would like to get a free CONSULTATION please email us at 

If you are ready to join us on this journey,



Cannot wait to be in ceremony together!

With much love,


Testimonial from Sabine L.

I am so grateful to you, Korana for this Journey. The year has passed by so quickly. I was always excited about what I will learn next time. It really was a heartfelt wish of mine to take this Journey, and I felt the call, the longing for it several years. It is a very powerful inner development and beyond what the mind can comprehend. Now I can only report on my experiences. My deep love for Mother Earth has grown even more. On the Journey around the Medicine Wheel, I have learned so many tools that can help me and help others, especially at this time. I believe that heavy feelings are the current collective state of people. They don't know where the journey is going, many things are dissolving and there is emptiness that can no longer be filled by consumption.
From the bottom of my heart ♥️ I say thank you again for taking me on this Journey and for awakening my Lineage Stone, so that it could be connected to the lineages.  

Sabine L.

Journey Around the Wheel
Stepping into Service

JAW SIS 2023 Schedule.jpg


Journey Around the Wheel Apprenticeships are offered on the basis of


Please consider how you can reciprocate to help us cover the costs of our time, effort, and materials needed for ceremonies, technology (Website, Domain, Zoom, Dropbox ...), and company expenses.


  • $420 per month or

  • $210 per month 

We are blessed with this medicine that brought us so much healing, loving community and tools that help us continue with our own self-discovery and growth. The compassion and connection that we feel helped us make the decision to offer our events on the exchange basis. Please imagine the world in which we live without attachments; the world in which we have shed our stories, befriended our shadow, restored completeness of our Soul, and cleared our energy field, the world in ayni. 



Please email us at 

with any questions, suggestions, comments.



  • Creating Sacred Space

    • Creating Sacred space, Thanksgiving and Cleansing Tools and Practices (Florida Water, Smudging Blessing, other)

    • Giving Thanks

    • Practice of Intention

    • Creating Sacred space by invoking the Guardians and Keepers of the Seven Directions

    • Expanding Wiracocha

Today's Thanksgiving

  • Building, Activating and Working with an Altar

  • Building, Honoring, and Working with the Medicine Wheel

  • Offerings (Tobacco, Corn Meal, Despacho, Grandma Moon, Orishas, other)

  • Fire Ceremony with Giveaway (Tobacco, Death Arrow, Prayer Ties, other)

Sacred Fire Ceremony Recording

  • The Sand Painting

  • Resetting Fight/Flight/Freeze/Collapse Response

  • Grounding

    • Stepping Outside

    • Fire Breath

    • The Heart Connection (Heart to Heart to Heart) Practice

      • Heart of Pachamama, Our Hearts, Heart of the Universe

  • Clearing and Balancing the Energy Field

    • Expanding Our Core Star

    • Balancing the Hara

    • Clearing and Aligning the Chakras

      • Through Movement

      • With Colors

      • With the Elements

        • Elements Bath

        • Liquid light

        • Rainbow light

  • Integration of the Foundation Munay-Ki Rites

    • Feeding the Three Centers

    • Band of Power

    • Connecting with the Archetypes in our Chakras

    • Activating Kawak

  • Dialog and Working with our Soul parts, and all the invisible helpers

  • Tracking and clearing the energy field from the intrusive energies and cords (with Crystals, Smoke, Eggs, Fire, other)=

  • Journeying

  • Divinations (Cards, Stones, Plants, Animal scrying, other)

Some qualities, archetypes, and practices are shown on the image below.
The Medicine Wheel template is from the book
Dancing with the Wheel by Sun Bear, Wabun Wind and Crysalis Mulligan.

Medicine Wheel JAW 2023.jpg

Testimonial from Tea T.

Testimonial from Barbara L.

The Journey Around the Wheel with Korana and the Earthkeepers Spirit, found me at exactly the right moment. I had already been walking the path of energy medicine, but something inside me knew there was more, a deeper wisdom waiting to be explored. I longed to truly embody the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, not just to understand its roots and rituals, but to live them. Journey Around the Wheel was so much more than just learning; it was about experiencing, transforming, and remembering who I truly am. It led me deep into my inner world, uncovering layers of myself I hadn’t even realized were there. The more I discovered within, the more I understood my connection to the world around me.
The Medicine Wheel, with its deep wisdom and loving guidance, became a map for my life, showing me how to move through life and challenges with clarity, presence, a sense of belonging and wholeness.

From the very beginning, I felt held by Korana, by the beautiful community walking this path with me, and by the sacred space we shared. There was an unshakable sense of support, both seen and unseen, a quiet knowing that I was never alone. The free gatherings, ceremonies, and teachings provided by Earthkeepers Spirit were like gentle reminders, always appearing exactly when I needed them. Every step of the way, there was guidance, encouragement, and the deep comfort of knowing we were all walking this path together.
One of the greatest gifts of this journey has been its continuous unfolding. Growth does not stop when the formal path concludes. I feel it shaping me still, deepening my connection to myself, expanding my awareness, and bringing me peace that radiates into every part of my life in ways I never expected.
If you feel called to this path, trust that call. There is a reason this journey has found you. You are ready, and you are supported. Walking this path will open doors you never even knew existed, doors to healing, wisdom, and a deeper truth within yourself. If you allow it, this journey will change you in ways beyond what you can imagine.
With love and gratitude,
Barbara L.

Testimonial from Beate K.

Medicine of the Wheel has found me through my Heart. It started with joining the Munay-Ki teachings with Earthkeepers Spirit. My first encounter with Munay Ki touched my heart deeply and I knew I had to find out more about it. These shamanic tools are so simple, so deeply connected with nature, Pachamama, our Mother Earth, with all beings. It leads US to good, precious Life. Then, I got curious about the next step, to go on the journey INSIDE myself, the journey of my Soul. I found it with the Journey Around the Wheel. The Community, this Special circle, gave me safety. It is really a hard work and takes a lot of time, but I discovered so much INSIDE myself. We have so many tools to work with and the circle and Korana were always available. I think this learning together and the exchange accelerates development of our Soul. For me it was a Heart Opener - getting compassion, peace, for Others and myself. I felt really guided, supported and loved throughout the Journey, from Korana and the Community. There are incredible many resources, events, gatherings, ceremonies, slides, recordings, teachings, many ways to communicate and connect.
My message to everyon is to be compassionate, take this step, this journey is essential.

Thank you, Korana, and the ayllu!
Beate K.

Testimonial from Sabine A.

I am infinitely grateful to you Korana for the intensive journey around the Wheel. It was a great treasure for me. Many wounds, stories, roles .... became visible and many transforming tools, so diverse and effective, helped me heal them. Sooo magical...and your energy sooo beautiful I have no words for it. All this has triggered a great transformation. Very intense. My Khuyas are so beautiful and happy.
Yes, they are ready ..... to be in service. 

Sabine A.

Testimonial from Sabine L.

I am so grateful to you, Korana for this Journey. The year has passed by so quickly. I was always excited about what I will learn next time. It really was a heartfelt wish of mine to take this Journey, and I felt the call, the longing for it several years. It is a very powerful inner development and beyond what the mind can comprehend. Now I can only report on my experiences. My deep love for Mother Earth has grown even more. On the Journey around the Medicine Wheel, I have learned so many tools that can help me and help others, especially at this time. I believe that heavy feelings are the current collective state of people. They don't know where the journey is going, many things are dissolving and there is emptiness that can no longer be filled by consumption.
From the bottom of my heart ♥️ I say thank you again for taking me on this Journey and for awakening my Lineage Stone, so that it could be connected to the lineages.  

Sabine L.

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