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Medicine of Interconnectedness is an invitation to revisit our relationship with ourselves and everything around us.

Cambridge dictionary defines interconnectedness as the state of having different parts or things connected and related to each other. When we think of a relationship between two or more things, it is a connection. If there is a relationship between two or more relationships, it is an interconnection. Connection is a direct relationship between two people or things. Whereas interconnection is like a web of constant interactions.

We are inseparably interconnected with ourselves and with everything around us. That means that we are continuously building relationships with ourselves and everything around us.

The medicine of interconnectedness supports us in building those relationships, with ourselves, with all our relatives here on Earth Mother, the stone, plant, animal, and human families, with the Earth, and with all our relations around Earth Mother.

In our gatherings, we practice building these relationships. We learn to:

  • Open our hearts to communicate and be with love.

  • Expand our vision to all aspects of ourselves and others.

  • Still our minds and become better listeners.

  • Become a witness, instead of being an activated participant.

To achieve such states of good heart, good mind, and good actions, we use practices such as:

  • Munay-Ki Rites to expand our hearts and minds!

  • Decoupling (resetting flight, fight, freeze, collapse response) to quiet our nervous and endocrine systems, to become still enough to listen.

  • Clearing and balancing our energy fields, to remove imprints, intrusive energies and entities that bring up unhealed stories in moments of activation and prevent us from being a witness.

  • Shamanic journeying to connect and build relationships of interconnection!

In such a way, we come into a place where all communication is easier, and our connection to ourselves and others grows to interconnectedness, a web of interactions with ourselves and all around us. In that respect, we become inseparable from all around us and see everything as an aspect of ourselves.

When we are aware of interconnectedness we can never be alone again, the world is a safe place, we are safe people, and trust, compassion, and understanding guide our lives.

We invite you to join us in the events of the medicine of interconnectedness and continue building these relationships in community!

For see below for our gathering in CROATIA 2025!

For other events please see SERVICES AND EVENTS page.




  • Day 1 Saturday 6/7/2025 Kisma Karpay and Drum and Teaching Circle, Zagreb

    • 11:00 am – 3 pm Earthkeepers Spirit Team

      • Kisma Karpay, Munay-Ki Rite of the Womb

        • Despacho Offering for the victims and perpetrators of the Witch Trials in the region

    • 6:00 – 8:30 pm Brooke Medicine Eagle

      • Drum and Teaching Circle


  • Day 2 Sunday 6/8/2025 Private Sessions, Zagreb

    • 10:00 am – 4 pm Brooke Medicine Eagle: Private Sessions


  • Day 3 Monday 6/9/2025 Travel to Cres


  • Day 4 Tuesday 6/10/2025 Opening Circle on Cres

    • 5:00 pm Opening Circle

      • Fire Ceremony

      • Welcome and Introduction to the Gathering

      • Passing of the Rattle (Getting to know each other)

      • Community Sacred Pipe Ceremony


  • Day 5 Wednesday 6/11/2025 Brooke Medicine Eagle: Awakening the Feminine

    • 10:00 am Awakening the Feminine Day 1

    • Sharing a dish to pass for lunch and dinner

    • 7 pm Strawberry Full Moon Sacred Stone Peoples Lodge (Sweat Lodge)


  • Day 6 Thursday 6/12/2025 Brooke Medicine Eagle: Awakening the Feminine

    • 11:00 am Awakening the Feminine Day 2

    • Sharing a dish to pass for lunch and dinner


  • Day 7 Friday 6/13/2025 Awakening the Masculine

    • 10:00 am Awakening the Masculine

    • Sharing a dish to pass for lunch and dinner


  • Day 8 Saturday 6/14/2025 Sacred Union

    • 10:00 am Community Sacred Stone Peoples Lodge (Sweat Lodge)

    • Sharing a dish to pass for light lunch and dinner


  • Day 9 Sunday 6/15/2025 Closing Ceremonies

    • 10:00 am Closing Ceremonies

      • Closing Circle: Passing of the Rattle

      • Community Sacred Pipe Ceremony

Prijava za Ceremoniju Svetog Kruga
Studeni 2024


ošaljite nam upite na e-poštu 

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Villa Goga

Pogled iz Ville Goge

Restoran na plaži

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Pogled s restorana na plazi

Klub Goga
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Klub Goga - Mjesto za Skupove


  • Goga i Emil e-pošta

  • Kada se popune kreveti u Villi Goga, Goga će vas uputiti prema mogućnostima smještaja u selu Miholaščica.

  • Pošaljite nam e-poruku na za dodatne resurse za smještaj.


  • Turistička agencija Martinšćica

    • Martinšćica 37

    • 51556 Martinšćica, Croatia

    • Phone: 00385 51 574 107

    • Fax: 00385 51 574 107

    • E-mail:

  • Turistička agencija Zaglav

    • Zaglav d.o.o.

    • Punta 1, Martinšćica, Otok Cres

    • Phone: 24/7 customer support: 051 574 169

    • Email:


Pošaljite nam upite na e-poštu

Možete letjeti u nekoliko zračnih luka u Hrvatskoj.
Ako letite za Zagreb morat ćete iznajmiti automobil, autobusom do Cresa ili vlakom do Rijeke, a zatim brodom ili autobusom do Cresa.Ako letite u Rijeku ili Mali Lošinj, morat ćete uzeti autobus za Cres.
U nastavku pogledajte informacije o autobusima, vlakovima i brodovima.

  • Za Zagreb

  • Iz Rijeke do Otoka Krka

  • Za Mali Losinj

Ako vozite, morat ćete uzeti jednu od 2 trajektne rute, ovisno o tome odakle dolazite. Trajekt Brestova - Porozina nalazi se na sjevernoj strani otoka, a Valbiska - Merag na istočnoj strani otoka. Obje vožnje automobilom od trajekta do Miholašćice ODUZIMAJU DAH!

  • Trajekt Brestova - Porozina

  • Trajekt Valbiska - Merag


Ako idete autobusom iz Zagreba ili Rijeke, uzmite autobus za Mali Lošinj jer je Miholaščica malo selo udaljeno sat vremena vožnje od grada Cresa na putu za Mali Lošinj. Izaći ćete iz autobusa na raskrsnici sela HRASTA, a mi ćemo vas pokupiti!

  • Iz Zagreba

  • Iz Rijeke

Ako dolazite iz Zagreba i želite istražiti prekrasnu vožnju vlakom od Zagreba do Rijeke, evo nekoliko poveznica koje će vam pomoći. Kada stignete u Rijeku, kratko ćete prošetati do glavne luke gdje ćete uhvatiti brod (katamaran) za Mali Lošinj. U selu Martinšćica sići ćete s broda, a mi ćemo doći po vas!

  • Vlak Zagreb to Rijeka

  • Brod (katamaran) Rijeka to Martinscica - PREKRASNO!!!!​ 

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  • Imat ćemo priliku posjetiti lokalne travare, Irenu i Guerino.
    Uzgajaju, beru i rade s lokalnim biljkama, od kojih su neke endemske, za proizvodnju eteričnih ulja i hidrolata, sapuna i drugih proizvoda za osobnu dobrobit.
    Irena i Guerino ponudili su nam radionicu na kojoj ćemo podijeliti svoju mudrost i iskustvo.
    Ovu radionicu organizirat ćemo tijekom edukacije za sve zainteresirane.


Imat ćemo priliku organizirati vožnju brodom do lokalne Modre špilje, prekrasnih plaža, uključujući i onu ispod litice sela Lubenice, te do manjih otoka Visoki i Zeca. Ovi događaji će biti organizirani na temelju interesa sudionika nakon obuke.

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