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All services are offered to all our relatives, human, animal, plant, and stone families, the ones in body now, and the ones in Spirit!

Earthkeepers Spirit Team offers private healing sessions.

  • For sessions with Korana please see below.

  • For sessions with other members of the Team please visit Meet the Team page.



How can I be of service?


I am here to support you in your journey, whatever that may be. I see us all as luminous beings who decided to experience life on this beautiful planet, in these physical bodies, with our complex minds and emotions, and our beautiful Souls and energy.


My vision is to cocreate and dream into being a world where we live in ayni, the right relationship with all inside of us and around us. We all experience journey into ayni differently, but we all journey better when we are in community!


I am here to offer you loving support through the integrative energy medicine tools and practices. Please see below on what to expect from our private sessions. 


If you feel called to cocreate with me and Journey Around the wheel together, please check out:


Most private sessions happen over Zoom. You will receive the Zoom link and any tech support if needed before the session.


The session starts with creating a safe and Sacred space and with a conversation about how I can be of service. Once the intention is set we start the work. The goal is to:

  • Ground you.

  • Reset your fight, flight, freeze, collapse response.

  • Clear the imprints, cords, intrusive energies or entities from your energy field, align your Hara line and balance your energy field through illumination and extraction processes.

  • Discover your original wounding and rewrite contracts that bind you in situations and decisions that are not for your highest good.

  • Restore the wholeness of your Soul through Soul retrieval and in a process reunite you with your medicine gift and your animal family.

  • Retrieve your highest destiny, so that it can start informing your present and guide you towards that highest destiny.


This work will:

  • Help you shed the stories, your narratives and defenses, that you have created as a result of trauma and stress of your original wounding. Heal the little one that is still scared, angry and alone.

  • Guide you to befriend your shadow, the subconscious parts of yourself that you do not readily see and make it an alley that helps you free yourself from fear, worry, anxiety, and stress.

  • Open you up to light, to ayni, the right relationship with yourself and others.


Aside from the above practices, it is my honor and privilege to assist in the transitions of our loved ones through Great death rites, and assisting spirits that have already transitioned to find their place in the light.


If any members of your beloved animal, plant, or stone family is in need of support and healing, I would be honored to offer all of the above modalities to any of them! When you reach our to me, best on please let me know what is happening to your animal and then we will set up time to have a conversation first and then we will set up a session.

Sessions can be online and in person. 


To schedule a private session please see below!

With much Munay (love),



All sessions are offered in several payment tiers, whichever is comfortable for you:

  • $100 - $150 - $200 - $250 - $300


There is never a fee for the Death rites and I am open to an exchange.

Please use the following PayPal account for payments - thank you!
Earthkeepers Spirit 

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