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Medicine Wheel is a circle that represents, honors, and works with the circular nature of the cycles of the universe, of our Earth Mother, and the cycles in our own lives and our lifetimes. It represents Oneness, the unity of everything. The Medicine Wheel connects us to Mother Earth, and to all her children, the stone people, plant people, and to animal and human families. Journeying around the wheel brings self-transformation and expansion of our hearts, minds, and actions.


Medicine Wheels of stone, constructed by the original Native inhabitants, once spread across the Americas. They were the ceremonial centers of Earth people; powerful vortexes for both giving and receiving the Earth energy. Earth Peoples used the Medicine Wheel to understand and celebrate change in their lives and in the cycles of the Earth. What these ancient ones knew and practiced is the wisdom needed by people today.

Medicine Wheel ceremonies are community events. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to participate in building the Wheel and then honoring it with Tobacco, Corn meal, and songs for each of the Stones in the Wheel. As people and forces are gathering at the Wheel, each participant is able to connect to the archetypes of the Inner Circle, Creator, Mother Earth, Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, and the four clans, the Turtle Clan, Clan of the earth, the Frog Clan, Clan of the waters, the Thunderbird Clan, Clan of the fire, and the Butterfly Clan, Clan of the air. Then, the Outer Circle is honored, and participants connect to the medicine of the Guardians and Keepers of the four directions. Each stone in the Medicine Wheel had different qualities and stone people, plant people, and animal family archetypes associated with it.

By honoring these forces, participants receive wisdom from the archetypes for their personal healing and for their service in the world and beyond. Communities come together and create these great vortexes to heal the Earth and all her children. The wisdom of the archetypes becomes part of our lives and they guide and support us in finding balance and health on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and energetic!


November 15 - 17, 2024

This November, we will gather to build two Medicine Wheels, on a beautiful land in the village of Stivan, that we lovingly call "Sacred Stivanland", and on a lovingly called "Sacred Womb" land in the hills below village Vidovici.

We will get together on Friday, November 15, 2024, on a Full Moon to sit together around the Fire, get to know each other, and share a Sacred Pipe, sing, and dance, if called to.
On Saturday, we will gather to meet the Stone People of the Sacred Stivanland and build and activate the Wheel at the land.


Then we will share a meal, rest, gather, and then experience working with the Medicine Wheel.
Later, we will share in the Community Fire Ceremony, and connect with our international community online, so that they can be included in the gathering!

On Sunday morning, we will build and activate a Medicine Wheel at the Sacred Womb, and have a Closing Cricle with a Community Pipe Ceremony.

Please see below information on island Cres, accommodation, travel, other activities, and REGISTRATION!

Medicine Wheel Gathering
November 15-17, 2024 Schedule

  • Friday, November 15​

    • 5 pm Opening Circle ​

    • 6 pm Fire Ceremony with the Community Pipe Ceremony

  • Saturday, November 16

    • 10:30 am Gathering to Meet the Stone People of the "Sacred Stivanland"​

    • 11:30 am Building and Awakening of the Medicine Wheel

    • 1:30 pm Sharing a Meal

    • 3:00 pm Working with the Wheel

    • 4:00 pm Fire Ceremony broadcasted internationally

  • Sunday, November 17

    • 10:30 am Gathering to Meet the Stone People​ of the "Sacred Womb"

    • 11:30 am Building and Awakening of the Medicine Wheel

    • 1:30 pm Sharing a Meal and a Closing Circle with the Community Pipe Ceremony

Registration for Medicine Wheel Gathering November 2024


  • There is no charge for the ceremonies!!

  • Price for the materials and locations: $250

  • Scholarships available.

Island of Griffon Vultures, Dolphins, wild, amazing beaches, villages build in stone and cliffs, great food and drinks, sheep, and soon, all of us!

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Email us at for Q's

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Villa Goga

View from Villa Goga

Restaurant on the beach

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View from the restaurant on the beach

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Club Goga - Community Gathering Place



  • Goga and Emil at

  • When the beds fill up in Villa Goga, Goga will direct you to accommodation possibilities in village Miholascica.

  • Email us at for additional accommodation resources.







Email us at for Q's​


You can fly into several airports in Croatia. 

If you fly to Zagreb you will need to rent a car, or take a bus to Cres, or a train to Rijeka and then boat or a bus to Cres. If you fly into Rijeka, or Mali Losinj, you will need to take a bus to Cres.

Please see below the info about buses, trains, and boats.


If you are driving, you will need to take one of the 2 ferry routes, depending where you are arriving from. Brestova - Porozina ferry is on the Northern side of the Island, and Valbiska - Merag on the Eastern side of the island. Both car rides from the ferry to Miholascica are BREATHTAKING!


If you are taking a bus from either Zagreb or Rijeka, please take the bus for Mali Losinj because Miholascica is a small village ab hour ride from town of Cres on the way to Mali Losinj. You will exit the bus at a crossroads of village called HRASTA, and we will pick you up! 


If you are coming from Zagreb and want to explore the beautiful train ride from Zagreb to Rijeka, here are some links to help you. When you arrive to Rijeka, you will take a short walk to the main harbor where you will catch the boat (catamaran) for Mali Losinj. You will get of the boat in the Village Martinscica, and we will pick you up!

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  • We will have an opportunity to visit the local herbalists, Irena and Guerino.

  • They grow, harvest, and work with local, some of which are endemic herbs to produce essential oils and hydrolates, soaps, and other items for personal wellbeing.

  • Irena and Guerino have offered us a workshop to share their wisdom and experience.  

  • We will organize this workshop during the training for all interested.


We will have opportunities to organize boat rides to the local Blue Cave, beautiful beaches, including one just under the cliff village of Lubenice, and to smaller islands Visoki and Zeca. These events will be organized based on the participants' interest after the training.

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